2659 pick_next_task(struct rq *rq, struct task_struct *prev) 2660 { 2661 const struct sched_class *class = &fair_sched_class; 2662 struct task_struct *p; 2664 /* 2665 * Optimization: we know that if all tasks are in 2666 * the fair class we can call that function directly: 2667 */ /*檢查目前總Runnable Task數量是否跟放在Fair Class中的數量一致,如果相同,就執行執行Fair Scheduling Class的pick_next_task抓取下一個執行的Task*/ 2668 if (likely(prev->sched_class == class && 2669 rq->nr_running == rq->cfs.h_nr_running)) { 2670 p = fair_sched_class.pick_next_task(rq, prev); /*pick_next_task_fair函数首先调用pick_next_entity,在pick_next_entity中首先run queue中(用红黑樹管理)選出vruntime時間最小的個个task,然後再和cfs_rq->next,cfs_rq->last兩個task做比較。這裡給予cfs_rq->next,和cfs_rq->last兩個task優先調度機會,只要next或者last兩個process vruntime的时间没有比最小的vruntime大出调度的颗粒度时间,就会优先选择next或者last__clear_buddies函数中会将cfs_rq->next和cfs_rq->last两个指针设置成为NULL set_next_entity将选择的下一个运行的进程设置到curr指针。*/ 2671 if (unlikely(p == RETRY_TASK)) 2672 goto again; 2674 /* 當fair_sched_class->next == idle_sched_class,還是繼續執行,因為cfs的priority較高 */ 2675 if (unlikely(!p)) 2676 p = idle_sched_class.pick_next_task(rq, prev); 2678 return p; 2679 } 2681 again: 2682 for_each_class(class) { 2683 p = class->pick_next_task(rq, prev); 2684 if (p) { 2685 if (unlikely(p == RETRY_TASK))/*May return RETRY_TASK when it finds a higher prio class has runnable tasks.*/ 2686 goto again; 2687 return p; 2688 } 2689 } 2691 BUG(); /* the idle class will always have a runnable task */ 2692 }